It is possible that a study of the two accounts of the Creation, as found in Genesis, would be of interest to Christian Scientists who have not fully settled the subject in their minds. Certainly, it will be of interest to those few of your readers who seem to think we have no right to throw out a word or sentence found in Holy Writ, and who try to preserve the letter of the law at the expense of the spiritual part of it.
I do not wish to say this harshly, for I respect the feelings of those who do not as yet understand the Truth as I do; or who only desire to maintain their own interpretation of the Bible, while they think it is the Truth they desire to retain.
Looking over a copy of the Old Testament Student,—a Baptist theological journal, seldom seen by laymen,—I find allusions to accounts of Creation which existed anions; other ancient nations beside the Israelites; these writings, being older than the times of Abraham, and belonging, in fact, to the time of Sennacherib the Assyrian. Some of the writings deciphered contain accounts like those of the first eleven chapters of Genesis, including the Biblical story of the Creation and Deluge. The similarity is unmistakable, although these accounts have many fanciful embellishments.