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Testimonies of Healing


From the June 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Dear Journal: I wish to give my testimony as to what Christian Science has done for me, as demonstrated by G. B. Wickersham, C. S. B., of this city.

For eighteen years I was a continual sufferer from chronic inflammation and prolapsus uteri. The greater part of the time, for the last seven or eight years, I have been unable to do much of any work, and kept my bed a good share of the time. After having tried the best physicians, both East and West,—receiving no benefit, and having my troubles pronounced incurable,—I was induced by a friend to try Christian Science. It has proved a blessing indeed to me, as it has lifted me from darkness into the light; and I am now well, happy, and harmonious. I can work all day and sleep all night, something I have not been able to do before since I was a child. This blessed state was brought about in less than two months, by treatment through Mr. Wickersham 's knowledge of the Truth.

I feel that I can say nothing for this Science that will in any degree express my great thankfulness for the benefit I have derived from it; but I say to all sufferers, Go and be healed, giving God thanks.

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