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From the August 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The aroma of good deeds outlines the personality through which they are expressed. It is well to pause a moment in the busy whirl of life, when a great heart ceases to beat, to gather a lesson for the future. In how many homes was the name of Jennie Collins a blessing! How many crooked places she straightened; how many tangled lines she smoothed! Her tender and womanly nature was never taxed in vain.

Many a wavering conscience, halting on its way to sin, has she steadied and sustained. Many a hungry one has she fed, housed, and comforted. She was an institution of charity in herself, though without any badge or title, other than the high authority of the Master whose life she emulated. Against fearful odds, alone, poor, empty-handed, she began her life's mission. Right nobly, too, has she finished her earth-course. She has done her part to elevate and glorify her sex, and "her own works shall praise her in the gates."

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