When we who have professed to be, and thought we were, Christians, faithfully following in the footsteps of Jesus for years, first get a glimpse of the true Light, what a tumultuous commotion of thoughts contending with each other! but as we follow God's chosen, our only Leader, up the mountain of Truth, until we are able to understand the teachings of Jesus the Christ, what rapture fills our hearts, that we are at last out of the darkness, and in the Light, Life, Love, and Truth that is Good, God.
Sometimes we feel almost as though eternity would not be long enough for the expression of our gratitude to our Father, and we realize how much there is to do, to win the world to this Light,—the world of those who call themselves Christians, and yet know so little of Christ!
How little men know of Jesus, and his work or Life! They are looking to our belief about his body which was nailed to the cross on Calvary, and they call that the Christ; when Jesus only allowed his enemies to nail his body there, in order to show them, and us, that there is no death, and that Mind has perfect power over all formations and over our material beliefs.