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Testimonies of Healing


From the September 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Mrs. M. B. G. Eddy: I write to let you know how much Christian Science has done for me. I am cured of heart-disease, of long standing, by Miss M. Macmillan, of Detroit. Last winter my brother, a young man of twenty, contracted a severe cold, which settled on his lungs. He became worse every day. Strength failed, and he was so reduced in flesh that he could hardly be recognized. Medical skill could not help him. Father and brother had died of consumption, and we felt he was going in the same way. Our only hope now was in Christian Science. We telegraphed for Miss Macmillan, but her work was such that she could not leave, and so sent to our aid Mrs. A. M. Otis, of Stanton. At the time of her arrival, we were hourly expecting brother's death; but in six days after the treatments were commenced, he walked half-a-mile without feeling any fatigue. In three weeks every symptom of disease had disappeared. His breathing became deep and full. His appetite was good, and strength returned very rapidly.

Mrs. Otis is the only one who has demonstrated Christian Science in Marquette. Since her arrival here, seven weeks ago, she has relieved many sufferers, and brought joy to many homes.

Mother and sister unite with me in wishing God's blessing on yourself and your worthy students.

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