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From the June 1888 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We all remember what Jesus said to the Samaritan woman, who talked with him at the well: "The hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth."

That Christian Science is in advance of the popular churches of today, no one who has ever read, without prejudice, the wonderful revelations and indisputable truths of Science and Health can fail to admit. This bold announcement casts no reflection upon the churches. The intent of the churches points heavenward, like their spires. In the onward march of Christianity, thought must advance beyond human limit, and away from natural phenomena.

Creeds and ritualistic modes of worship retard spiritual advance. The mass of churchgoers acquiesce in these manmade forms and ceremonies, leaning upon them for support. Creeds are to churches what crutches are to lame men. A lame man can never walk without his crutch, until able to abandon it. This is equally true of church creeds and dogmatic assumptions.

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