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Testimonies of Healing


From the June 1888 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My dear Teacher: I give you two cases, showing that Mind, not matter, is the controlling power. In 1869, just after my graduation from a medical college, I was called to see a lady who thought she was suffering severely. I prescribed for the case. After a few hours my preceptor was sent for, the messenger saying the old doctor was the one wanted. My preceptor went, prescribed the identical thing I had prescribed, to be used in the same way, and the relief was immediate; medicine had not the least thing to do with it.

On still another occasion I was called to a lady with acute bronchial irritation, with considerable dispnœa, who wanted medicine. To satisfy her mind I gave her a few drops of homœopathic alcohol (the purest form of alcohol) in two-thirds of a glass of water, with orders to be sure and take only one teaspoonful at a time. This was in the evening. After she had retired and put out the light, she thought she would get up and take a swallow from her glass of medicine. Her husband exclaimed: "You ought not to have done so! You don't know how much you took, and it may kill you!" The lady immediately became desperately sick. She came out all right, after a short time, and her former trouble disappeared. In speaking of it afterward she said: "No one need tell me there is nothing in homœopathic medicine, for I know better."

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