I was troubled with heart-disease from the time I was sixteen years old, it being hereditary in my family. I was unable to do any kind of hard work, and I never could run, or take any violent exercise, without bringing on palpitation of the heart. I was doctored for it for ten years, using very many different kinds of medicine, without receiving any benefit. I employed three or four different physicians, but received little or no benefit from them, each declaring I could never be cured.
A few months ago I was induced to try Christian Science, and applied to Mr. Anthony, a Scientist, of Providence, R. I., for treatment. At this time I was greatly discouraged, and in constant fear that I should suddenly drop away. At the first treatment I was greatly encouraged by Mr. Anthony, who told me there was nothing to fear, and that I could certainly be cured. I felt better at each succeeding treatment, and after only eight treatments I was completely cured.
Jay, Maine.