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From the January 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Among the various erroneous beliefs which, according to the teachings of Science and Health, constitute all the sin there is, the first and fundamental error appears to be, that man is composed of both mind and matter. Christian Science affirms that Mind, or "Spirit, is immortal Truth, and matter is mortal error,"—entire opposites, which, from the law of Being, can neither blend nor work together.

That "the flesh warreth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh," is taught in Scripture; and these are also the tares and wheat, which the husbandman discovered growing up together, and permitted to remain until the time of fruitage, or harvest, lest the uprooting of the one should destroy the other. Then how is the separation effected at the harvest? "By their fruits shall ye know them."

Another prevailing belief with mortals is, that a wicked mind can exist in a material form, and both form and mind be created by the divine Mind.

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