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From the January 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

With the Prophet of old I ask this question, "How long halt ye between two opinions?" It is of as vital importance now as when first spoken.

How long are we going to stand doubting whether it is necessary to handle the claims of mortal mind? How much longer shall we wait, and how much more evidence do we want, before we believe that (unless handled in Science, as our Leader teaches us in her book) jealousy, malice, hatred, and revenge will make sick and eventually murder a man,—that is, to mortal sense.

Students take a course of lessons in Christian Science, and go out declaring audibly that God is All and there is none beside Him, when they have never, by their own good deeds, and by resistance of temptation, gained any consciousness that what they say is true. They repeat the words like parrots, because they have heard others say them. They are soon brought to a sudden halt.

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