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From the January 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We notice an array of noted contributors which promises unusual excellence for this volume. First among them is the Right Honorable W. E. Gladstone, affectionately called the Grand Old Man, the greatest of living statesmen, who writes on The Future of the English-speaking Races. General Lord Wolsely will narrate his strange personal adventures in the field with the British armies. Justin McCarthy writes of Leaders in the House of Lords: Archdeacon Farrar, on Musicians and their Struggles. Other important English contributors are Professors Tyndal and Huxley.

Among American contributors we find such well-known names as Lieutenant Schwatka, who writes of Tight Pinches in the Arctic; Andrew Carnegie, on Bits of Advice to Young Men; Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., on Young Men in the Law; Admiral Luce, Colonel Thomas W. Knox, James Parton, Dr. Austin Flint, and at least a hundred others.

This magazine is a welcome visitor weekly in more than four-hundred-thousand families, and has won a place in home-life obtained by no other publication. It not only represents the literary tastes of children and grown folks, but it also stands for moral cleanliness and good sense. In placing such a paper in the hands of our boys and girls every parent feels safe. Even its advertisements have to pass moral muster.

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