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"He that hath ears to hear, let him hear." — Jesus.

From the October 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

This article was later republished in Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896Mis. 293:20-294:23

The sum total of Christian Science is this, "God is all in all." Love reflected, exemplified, includes the whole duty of man. This infinite truth, perverted, becomes in belief the claim of infinite error. To affirm mentally and audibly, God is all, and there is no sickness and no sin, makes men saints or demons.

Truth talked, but not demonstrated, rolls on the human heart a stone, consigns sensibility to the charnel house of sensuality, ease, self-love, and self-justification, there to moulder and putrefy into nothingness.

The noblest work of God is man in the image of his Maker. The last infirmity of evil is man [so-called], swayed by the maelstrom of human passions, elbowing the concepts of his own creating, making place for himself, and displacing his fellows. A true Christian Scientist is a marvel and miracle in the universe of mortal mind. He is the bas relief of Love inscribed on humanity and transcribed on the page of reality, the living palpable presence of might and majesty. He has lived for others, forgotten himself, and honored his Creator.

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