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Testimonies of Healing

For eight years I suffered terribly with my eyes

From the December 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For eight years I suffered terribly with my eyes. I could not read fifteen minutes without the most agonizing sick headache. Oculists called it a case of double vision, and said the only chance for a cure lay in cutting the muscles of the eyes. This was done; but the pain was worse than before. One of the most famous oculists of New York said I would simply have to endure it for life, as it was a case of severe astigmatism.

I suffered so that my health gave way. A friend spoke to me of Christian Science, but I scoffed at the idea. Later on, in desperation, I asked her to lend me Science and Health, thinking I might be able to read five minutes a day in it. I opened the book at Physiology and began. Time passed unnoticed, every page seemed illuminated. I said: "This is everything or nothing; if 'everything,' then you need no glasses"; I took off the heavy ground glasses, and went on. What a terrible headache I had the next morning! but I fought it with the Truth laid down in the book. I said again: "This is everything or nothing," and the Truth triumphed. The headache ceased but I felt miserably. I recalled what was said about chemicalization, and persevered.

In four days my eyes were well; I read as many hours a day as I pleased; my strength returned. I conquered one belief after another, until now, strong and well, I meet every belief with confidence. "I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me." For two years I have realized the peace and confidence which the knowledge that God is all-powerful and always present, alone can give. Feeling a great desire to spread Christian Science that it may do the good to others that it has to me, not only physically but spiritually, I ask if you have any missionaries in the work? Being a member of the Episcopal church, I have always sent what I could to help foreign missions through that church. Will it do the most good to continue so doing, as our foreign missionaries are devoted men, or have you Christian Science missionaries who devote their lives to the work?

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