The preamble and resolutions published herewith explain so fully as to preclude comment, the latest of the steps by which we are being led to the fuller consciousness that "man is, not will be, spiritual,"—that we are living in the spiritual world, not in one that is material.
"At a special meeting of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College Corporation, Oct. 29, 1889, the following resolutions were presented and passed unanimously:"
"Whereas, The Massachusetts Metaphysical College, chartered in Jan., 1881, to give instruction in scientific methods of Mental Healing on a purely practical basis, and to impart a thorough understanding of the Divine Mind to restore health, hope, and harmony to man, has fulfilled its high and noble destiny, and sent to all parts of our country and into foreign lands, students instructed in Christian Science Mind-healing to meet the demand of the age for something higher than physic or drugging; and"