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From the July 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There appeared in the Sun and Voice, a Cleveland paper, the following report of the Association meetings. It presents admirably certain phases of them, and is gladly adopted in the columns of the Journal with thanks to its writer.

"If any one doubts that there is such a thing as perfect Harmony 'in this world,' he should have attended the late Christian Science convention held at Music Hall. There is something more to Harmony than lack of outward discord. Harmony means Unity, and there seemed only one mind at this convention. Harmony is Principle. And I think many recognize, as never before, the fact that a state of Harmony is attainable in which error is instantly discerned, but as instantly seen to be nothing, and immediately destroyed by this apprehension."

"As I looked over this audience and noted the universal expression of intelligence and understanding, and the settled, joyous look on every face, the question came to mind: 'How long before the whole world can wear this expression?' And with this question came another, viz.: Is this Harmony, this apprehension of Truth and of the power to destroy error in all its forms, being spread as rapidly as it might and should be? Has not the point been reached where the doors can be opened a little wider and freer? These questions arose, but have not all been answered satisfactorily. They are 'open for discussion.' But it seems that when a person has realized that all is Mind, and that 'Mind is eternal Harmony'; when he has for one instant realized his freedom and power in Good, Harmony, he should be anxious to help his neighbor to the same plane of thought; anxious to prove to him that 'Mind is eternal Harmony,' and matter, mortal discord; that Life is in Mind, not matter, and that Harmony is found in the apprehension that 'Mind is All.' The understanding of this idea gave the Harmony and Unity of action and of expression to the convention, and it is this understanding that 'the world' needs, with a little added, viz., that 'Love is the fulfilling of the law,' and that we must 'Love God, and our neighbor as ourself.' Were this understanding universal, no error could stand; sickness, sin, or death, as now apprehended, could all be met scientifically and destroyed."

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