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Letters & Conversations


From the September 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Dear Journal:—I want to tell the children of the Kingdom how I have become strengthened in Truth and withheld from error. I had an earnest wish to be taken into the true Church of Christ, and so sent my name with the request to become a member of the Mother Church. Shortly afterwards I experienced a wonderful change. Many trials that had been hard to bear, lost all power to annoy. The change was wrought so quickly I knew it must be through the influence of my new relation. If the desire and request brings so much good, what may I not expect from a full realization of the desire? Oh, what joy is the prospect before me! I am conscious I am approaching the light and that the loving arms of Truth are about me.

What a marvellous delivery from sin and suffering the Teacher of Science has opened up to the world! How grateful I feel that she has lived so well and risen in thought to a plane so high, that Christ can reach down through her to the children of men. How like unto Christ blessing his enemies are those words of hers to those who from the primitive state of the innocence of ignorance destroy the hard earned reward of her labors.

"May the human shadows of thought lengthen as they approach the Light till they are lost in Light and no night is there.'' These words sing in my heart and rest on my head like a blessing. I have fought many battles for Science with unbelievers, but the last one was with a friend who is a Scientist of the wrong school. I think she is good and true, but has been deceived by the teaching of error. She says she cannot see any difference; if all are living right they will all find Christ. As well might one try to send a message across the ocean to Europe without an Atlantic Cable, as to get Truth through other than the appointed Channel. I said, God has chosen and sent our Leader out of the house of bondage; and if we try some other way we shall miss the door of the Kingdom. She answered, "Christ is the door." I replied, Heaven is a unit and all is harmony; God has not chosen more than one Leader.—

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