I do not know that you could have written to one who has greater reason for gratitude than I have for I have been lifted out of the abyss in which all was lifeless and when all material supports had failed! But I then learned that with God there are no degrees nor distinction in degrees.
Know as a certainty that God is your life; this is absolute; then, with this realization, know that God is not the author of disease. "You live and move and have your being in God. You are created in His image and likeness. You are spiritual and not material, mind and not matter."
* I am now writing of your real self, the spiritual, which is perfect and cannot be sick—cannot suffer. "Spirit does not suffer. You are an image of Spirit and your body is a creation of mind. Thought externalizes itself upon the body."
* These are truths which those who have not tested them do not know, consequently cannot deny.
Now let every thought from morning until night, and from night till morning (when awake), dwell on the perfection of God, in whom you live and move and have your being. God is not sick— is not diseased, and He is your life, and there can be no other life. It is hard (at first) to ignore the old race beliefs, sense testimonies, and material evidences, for they seem to carry conviction,— but, dear sister, it is certain that every thought externalizes itself on the body, and brings its corresponding sensation. Remember this awful truth. So, also, every time you declare you are perfect in God, there goes through the body a health giving power. When you can realize this truth of truths, that you are now— not will be—perfect in God, without a single doubt, wonderful changes will come to pass.