Can there be separation of the Theology from the Healing of Christian Science? Or, can a speciality be made of one or the other? To make a speciality is to give preference, and preference is separation. Christ is the Theology of Christian Science, and in that Theology there is no separation between Intelligence or Truth, and Good or Healing. Love, Truth, Life—Principle—are one and indivisible. They are separable only in false sense of life
Realized oneness of Principle is "the marriage-feast" of which Jesus spoke in Luke. Seeming separation between Love, and Intelligence or Truth, is the all of discord,—realization of their unity is harmony. When to see Truth of being, is to have already done Good of Love the marriage of Good and Truth is consummated. Then "Mercy (Love) and Truth are met together, Righteousness and peace have kissed each other," in individual consciousness. It is sense of unity of Principle that "opens to him (the Christ idea) straightway," when he "comes and knocks, "once he may return out of the marriage-feast." To manifest unity of Intelligence and Love (Theology and Healing) is to have "the loins girded and lamps burning," and to "be found watching." It is to this sense of Principle that the promise is,—"He will gird himself, and make them recline, and coming near, will minister unto them." Except in healing from sickness and sin, as Love or Good, Truth, to mortal sense has no manifestation.