I was called upon, a short time ago, to demonstrate the Truth, in a case where the patient was delirious most of the time, with other aggravated symptoms. For several days I tried faithfully to realize and demonstrate the Truth of Being, but with no apparent success. During this time, I was studying Science and Health and the Bible, constantly. Finally, one evening when error was clamoring the loudest to be heard and appear something, I became so conscious of the all-presence and power of God, and the utter nothingness of every claim of mortal mind, that I realized as never before, that the patient was and always had been, dwelling in a perfect consciousness of Principle, and never had manifested or expressed anything but Life, Truth and Love. I rebuked the error audibly, then silently let Spirit bear witness, and in fifteen minutes the patient was sleeping peacefully, and the seeming power of error was destroyed. From that hour the improvement was steady and continuous. Should we not always be conscious of the fulfilment of the promise? " But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, which the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and put you in mind of all things that I told you,"—if we were only living Principle according to our highest understanding?
Testimonies of Healing
I was called upon, a short time ago, to demonstrate the Truth,...
From the December 1890 issue of The Christian Science Journal