Why do professing Scientists close their eyes to the "fact of being," drop back to the sense dream, and hold the children in the dream with them?
I have read the suggestions, given in the Journal, regarding a Children's Quarterly, and have taken up the same error that many others must have allowed. To think it necessary, will close our eyes to the teaching of Jesus,—"Except ye become as a little child ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven." He is not speaking of children as we hold them in the sense dream, small in stature and limited in understanding. We must remember that in Science all is reversed to the evidence of the senses. He is showing us the necessity of becoming pure in thought as the child.
It is only this educated mortal thought, to which the parent is holding in the sense dream, that error can use as a channel to voice this demand to adulterate Science and Health to meet the seeming want of the children. This want is in our concept of the child that Jesus is teaching us to become like.