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From the December 1890 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There is no power in error to limit us in doing good; we are children of Divine Mind and reflect dominion. Mortal mind has no ability or power to give or deprive us of, Truth; if we look to Divine Principle for all, we shall be supplied with all good. "The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want." "The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear, the Lord is the strength of my Life of whom shall I be afraid?" Let us learn how we are being deprived of the bread of Life—conscious realization of Truth and Love, the Spirit of Christian Science—in our lives, by entertaining wrong thoughts. We need to learn the falsity of (so called) material joys and pleasures, in order to commune with the pure thought and teaching of Science and Health. This book shows how far material beliefs are from reality of being, and the great need there is of learning Truth. False sense or consciousness is what (in belief) separates us from God, and we should pray as the publican "God be merciful to me a sinner." What a joyful message to know there is but one Mind, the Immortal, and that is God, Good, Life, Truth, Love; that we are all children of one common Parent, perfect ideas of this one Divine Mind; that sin sickness and death are no part and have no place in this Mind but are only beliefs of mortal sense that can and must be, put off. Thus consciousness is gained of our inheritance, and liberty as sons and daughters of God. Prayer of daily desire and earnest effort for a higher, purer, better thought and life, will help us to reach it, and consciously live in Truth and Love—the Spirit of Christian Science.

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