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From the December 1890 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Scientific thought is power in purity. The power of absolute Truth in Love and Holiness cleanseth from sin. Health heals from sickness, and Life saves from death. The chaste thought aspiring high to conceive Truth, is filled with pure ideas that are declared to be angels, by the one chosen to speak to the children of Israel. The pure Word is all-saving and healing. When the "still small voice " is heard from the sanctuary of Soul, is recognized, accepted, understood, it leads into all Truth. This Christ-thought voice reveals the Father of Life and Light as one God, and brings out in this, as in every other age peace, good, —healing.

The components of Principle are ideas, first and last, perfect factors of the Mind of God. Christian Scientists find Love, Divine Science, when received in a good and honest heart, the sole element of healing. The corner stone of our Church is purity. Every stone (thought) builded upon this corner stone must be white (clean). The house thus builded, our raiment will have become a robe of Righteousness—a clean garment, washed in the baptism of Spirit, and that can not be soiled. When fully clothed with the (Mind), full armor of Christ, we shall be valiant soldiers, and receive no wounds.

When flesh—the human will—is mastered and destroyed, all will be translated back to Mind so that there will be no matter. The high and holy mountain of Zion, will then have been consciously ascended—the problem of Being will be solved. We shall have reached the sublime goal of everlasting Life.

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