A good new year's gift will be a check to the Christian Science Publishing Society to pay for sending copies of the Journal, to those who, from various painful circumstances in belief, are unable to make or to keep up subscriptions. In remote, and even in rich, populous districts, are those to whom the Journal is daily bread of Life, from whom come letters of deep regret, and loving appreciation, saying that they are obliged to give up the visitor that is to them the only visible sign of the universal brotherhood in Science.
These letters are read with deep regret, but the Journal has to be mailed on strict business principles,—for it has no fund on which to draw—or it would soon cease to exist. Doubtless many who read these lines know cases "of these little ones," that do not reach the Publishing Society. Can those who have money to spare or who are about to allow themselves some outside publication, do a better act than to secure for some of those less fortunate than themselves, the continuance of the monthly visits that are so precious?