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Letters & Conversations


From the March 1890 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In Des Moines, Iowa, a little band of faithful followers of and workers for Truth are "leavening" a large "lump" of error. There is not a student of our Teacher among them; but the Bible, and Science and Health have proved their acceptable guide, interpreter, and friend throughout. At their Sunday meetings, after reading Science and Health, anyone speaks who wishes so to do. This is followed by a study of the Bible Lessons. During the week they meet also for the study of these lessons with the light of the Bible and Science and Health thrown upon them. They are strong in the Science and will "stand in the evil day." They deserve hearty encouragement and commendation.

In Omaha and Council Bluffs, also, the work seems steadily gaining ground. Slowly, but surely it is undermining error.

In Colorado the work is beautiful! I think I can safely say that the entire State is in the domain of Science. A sister at Buffalo Springs has taught classes in many of the smaller towns; and the unity and harmony with which her students work is enough, in itself, to exclude error entirely from that locality. A grand work has been done in Denver! In November last, the present pastor felt himself fortunate to speak to an audience of nineteen. To-day, a larger hall regularly seats two hundred at Sunday services; all of whom are drinking in the "water of Life," and eating "that bread which cometh down from heaven," — and which can be broken to them in the "way of His appointing," only by faithful students.

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