"Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment." — John vii. 24.
These are the words of Jesus, the Christ; — remarkable words! What do they mean? What lesson do they contain for us? Were we to translate them into the vernacular of the present day, what one phrase could be made use of fully and exactly to express them? Is there to be found in the English language one answering this purpose better, or more completely, than the time-honored expression (whose full significance is so little apprehended) — "common sense"? To my thought, Jesus, by his words, means simply and solely for us to use sterling common sense in all the affairs of life — in those of religious life as well as elsewhere.
Common sense is a faculty quite foreign to the Spiritual realm. Those existing in the full consciousness of divine Truth and Harmony, require no common sense — as we use the expression. (Mark me, I say those in the full consciousness. Not one of us, however, has yet reached that high degree of realization. We still are under the dominion of the "senses" — at least we think we are; which amounts to the same thing.)