In treating a case where unusual obstinacy put in an appearance, causing feelings of discouragement to be met in my own mind, while I was battling with them the following lines suddenly came to me:
In the second coming, not as the lonely lamb,
Is He driven to the slaughter;
But He that sitteth upon the white horse,
Goeth forth conquering,
And to conquer.
From the thought conveyed by them a "new day" dawned in my understanding. I send them, hoping someone else may see the Light clearer therefrom, and realize that this is a new dispensation—a new age—to mortal consciousness; that Jesus was crucified once for all. I am convinced that the martyrdom that many so-called Christian Scientists have preached to their students, and have looked forward to for themselves, is a grave mistake; one through which they build up, for themselves and others, terrors of many kinds which not only are unscientific, but which cause the student just born into the Science to dread a new hell, into which he has been self-mesmerized, more dreadful to meet than was the orthodox one he was formerly taught to fear.