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From the May 1890 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is the object of this Department to present Christian Science in the beauty and potency of truth and purity. We would educate the young "out of sense," with its beliefs of discordant error, "into Soul," where all is harmony and Love; so that, here on earth, they may both realize and manifest the Spirit of the Master's prayer "Thy Kingdom Come." We would teach them to recognize God's voice, His all-power and all-presence; the consequent unreality of error—that thus they may be enabled to "follow the Lamb."

Mothers may wield inestimable power to further the work this Department hopes to accomplish.
* "Mother-love includes Purity and Truth." The higher mothers educate their little ones in Christian Science, the higher will become the order both of their demonstrations and their words; hence the purer and more elevated will become the tone of this Department which voices them. Really the children edit it. Our part is but to confine ourselves to facts, simply clothed in suitable language.

* "Children, among their earliest lessons, should be taught the Christ-cure. They should be kept from discussing or entertaining theories or thoughts of sickness. To forestall for them the experiences of error, and its consequent sufferings, keep out of the mind of your children sinful or diseased thoughts. The latter should be excluded on the same Principle as the former. This is Christian Science."

*  Science and Health.

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