It gives me great pleasure, in behalf of so many who are present here this morning, to kindly thank the New York Scientists for the work they have done in order that we might come up to this feast of love. They have done much for our comfort and enjoyment, and we heartily thank them for it. Now, for what they have done to make pleasant our stay here in New York, let us recompense them with such an overwhelming tide of love, that it shall tell not only in these meetings, but throughout the entire city and the whole world.
We have not come together for personal ends. We have come together for the advancement of this cause which we know to be the greatest before humanity to-day. We know that the welfare and interest of the world depends upon Christian Science; and we know that the interest of this Science and of Christian Scientists, depends upon us individually.
This is not an hour for talking, but for demonstrating. It is not the hour to raise the standard of selfishness for self-aggrandizement, self objects and interests; but it is the hour to so raise the standard of Christian Science that it will be out of the reach and ken of personal aims.