A letter from a classmate in Science lies open before me. It expresses a thought that seems to be held by quite a number of Scientists in a more or less pronounced form. It seems to be one of those subtleties of the adversary that so frequently snare the purest and most loyal-hearted among us. To me the error is so palpable that I must utter a protest.
The Scientist writes:—"Healing as to what are called cases' is being done by mind-curists, spiritualists, faith-curists etc., just as good as by us;" hence, this Scientist thinks the time has come to "change base a good deal as to the practice of Christian Science, for on the basis it—the practice—has been on, Christian Science is losing the confidence and respect of people."
Now, since the basis of Christian Science and its practice is eternal, immutable Principle, I do not see how it can well be changed. There have been many cures (?) by medicine, there are many cures (?) by mesmerists, spiritualists, theosophists, mind-curers, faith-curers, and by spells and charms and "holy waters," but they are not Christian Science cures. Is Christian Science in competition with the legion of curative theories? Did Jesus enter into competition or rivalry with the physicians, sorcerers, and miracle-workers of his day? Did he step down to their methods in order to induce the people to hear and obey his teachings, and be healed as obedience to his teaching alone heals? No. Then can it ever be necessary to step down, in any particular, to the methods of false teachers and healers, in order to induce the people to choose Christian Science as the healer of all their infirmities?