The present number is the ninth anniversary of our Journal. In the early spring of '83 appeared the first issue, a small, eight-page, family paper, in answer to a call for a Christian Science periodical. It was presented under many difficulties, which only the love born of experience would have the courage to undertake. Yet in the face of all obstacles, and responsibilities, as President of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, and pastor of the first Church of Christ, Scientist,—all were encompassed,—Mary Baker G. Eddy became its first Editor and Publisher.
After six years of varied experiences, usefulness, and growth to its present size, it was presented to the National Christian Scientists' Association. The following is quoted from the letter of presentation: "In consideration of the vital interests of our great cause, and your loyalty to it, I hereby present to you the first journal issued in the interest of Christian Science, the Christian Science Journal, as a gift from its founder."
From her first editorial this quotation clearly indicates her conviction of its mission to the world: "It cannot fail.... since we devote our best energies to it."