I would like to tell the readers of the Journal how the good seed is being scattered in remote places, where Christian Science had never been heard of.
A letter was handed me by a friend, who asked me to read it, and answer it if I thought best. The contents told of days and nights of suffering, with "No hope of ever seeing another well day;" the doctors having given her up, saying, at one time, she could not last until they reached home, a distance of a few miles.
I at once thought this was fertile soil, and a good place to sow some seed. I immediately sent some Tracts and Journals, then wrote a letter telling of the true remedy which never fails, and offering my services. In due time a reply came, stating, any help would be gladly received. Soon another letter reached me, in which she said, "Surely the Lord has heard your prayers, and raised me up. I am about the house, helping with the work, and the Lord 'has put a new song in my mouth.' My husband thinks I ought to keep this a secret, but I think I ought to tell the people what has been done for me." A more recent letter tells of going about among the sick, distributing Tracts, and telling of the Christ-cure.