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From the April 1891 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."—Rom. xii:2.

Science and Health, 120: 1st par.

God's work in epitome is given in the above extracts. The understanding thereof proves the fulcrum, over which, the lever of deed, born of Christ's presence in the consciousness, raises mortals from stage to stage in the scale of being. Doubtless this exchange of the finite for the infinite sense of life is perpetually going on in all the multifarious forms of man's expression—often imperceptible, yet occasionally assuming definite, emphasized form to our beholding; whereupon it occasions profound interest and consideration: like the river flowing noiselessly through broad meadows, its possible transformation into the manifestation of the majestic power, and beauty of the cataract, seems the legitimate result.

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