Since it is definitely determined that the building to be erected in Boston in the interest of Christian Science, is not merely to contain an auditorium for church and other services, but is to embody adequately furnished and permanent quarters for our Christian Science Publishing Society, the movement is no longer confined to one of local or sectional interest merely, but is become one of national concern. It is now understood that this building will sustain to our Cause the same relation as that at present existing between the mammoth building on Fifth Avenue, New York City, and the Methodist Denomination supporting it, or between the buildings on Beacon Street, Boston, and the Unitarian and Congregational churches respectively. To bring to completion a plan of this magnitude, requires hearty co-operation on the part of all teachers and practitioners not only, but on the part of those, also, whose present sense of health and harmony is due to the benign helpfulness of the gospel as preached in Christian Science. Amen, and Amen!
Now, as to methods or plans for the accomplishment of this purpose.
First: Let it be known that, by the founder of Christian Science, Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy, there has been donated and conveyed to three trustees, for the purpose, a parcel of land (estimated as worth $15,000 and upwards) which is sufficiently large to admit of erecting upon it a commodious building suitable for our purposes.