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Letters & Conversations


From the July 1891 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In answer to the request that our experiences be written for the Journal, I can truly say that I know they are already written on the hearts, and in the memories of the many dear ones, to whom this blessed Truth has come with "healing in its wings," as a sacred thought; and so many times when I have attempted to put it into words, they fail me, for there is a something connected with every case of true healing, that words cannot express. Many and varied are our daily experiences in manifesting the Christ-love to human consciousness. Truly it is a blessed privilege. In my opinion, less writing, less talking, and more proving —practising or living —the spirit of Truth and Love will do far more to reduce the general consciousness of sin and sickness, than will volumes of printed experience.

Have already sold nearly two dozen copies of the revised Science and Health, and orders still constantly coming in. It is perfect in its purity of thought, and is now the Preacher of the age. Our services consist of Scripture and Science and Health reading, silent prayer and the Lord's Prayer, followed by study of the Sunday School lessons, as in Quarterly.

Right here, let me send a thought of gratitude and appreciation of the labor of those who compile the lessons for us; they are certainly doing a noble work.

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