Our Sabbath School is growing fast. The children get the Christ-thought so beautifully. I asked my class about their demonstrations during the week, and one child answered: "I find so much in my own thoughts to destroy I have no time to do for others." Recognizing that purification of thought was the one thing needful.
One little one (whose parents are not Scientists), who had been in Sunday School but three Sundays, was on her way one Sabbath with her father and mother, who had not attended the Christian Science services before, when in belief, her tooth began to pain her. Her mother asked her if they should not go back and put some medicine in it. The little one said, "No, I am a Christian Scientist, I wont have any medicine!" and the claim was immediately destroyed.
One little boy overcame the fear of riding after a fractious colt by declaring, "God is good! God is good!"