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"And I, if I be lifted up."

From the July 1891 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I used to walk in the valley, tho' sometimes raising my eyes
To the light that glowed on the hill-top and hung in the
azure skies.
Now I live on the mountain; and, watching the shadows
Reach downward to help the care-worn whose footsteps are
weary and slow.

Sometimes I only can beckon those who are looking to see
The light from the "Unseen City," over the unknown sea.
Others half in the darkness, groping slowly along,
To speak to their heart I get nearer, by singing a jubilant

Some are deep in the valley—shadows fall thickly around
They see not, they hear not—to help them, who hath the
wisdom profound?
Desire only can reach them, Love lift them up when they
Trust then, the Infinite Wisdom, the Father who careth for

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