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From the July 1891 issue of The Christian Science Journal

What happy people Christian Scientists are. They carry bright happy faces all the time. No congregated class of persons will present any more joyful countenances than a body of Scientists. It was so lovely to note just that one item in our National Association last Spring.

In the fruits of the Spirit joy is the second one mentioned. The world, as we find it, is scrambling and struggling after wealth and happiness, and in most cases the wealth is sought as a means to happiness. Do we not find in Truth that happiness is replaced by joy? Paul tells us to "rejoice always." That used to seem impossible before we caught the tones of Christian Science, but now we know we cannot get out of joy, because it is in Being; and intruding thoughts that claim other than joy can be, yes ought, and must be dismissed and banished.

Not long ago I had an experience which may help others. While Christian Science meant everything to me, it seemed such hard work to live up to its requirements. I almost wished, at times, I had never heard of it. I could not go back, and I dreaded to press on, for I saw nothing ahead but sacrifices, toils and drudgery. The joy of Science I lost completely, and I struggled on with lagging feet. But one day I visited my old place of residence, and called on several former friends who will not accept Christian Science, and are still groping. It taught me the lesson I needed, and I returned home to my work, with my heart uplifted in joy and gratitude to the Giver of all Good, for my deliverance from the old living.

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