"Out of the mouth babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise."
Oh, for the faith of the children!
What is it their angels behold?
To them doth the face of the Father
His tend'rest love ever unfold.
Reynolds, the sunny-browed darling,
So happy with mamma to play,
Gives to its own proper kingdom
The wood, and the wax, and the clay.
But a puzzled thought is sleeping
In the depths of the clear, frank eyes.
This babe in the Truth, is creeping
Away from the prudent and wise.
Mamma's described, for his guessing,
A something that baffles him, quite;
None of the kingdoms possessing
Anything fitting aright.
"It is me, myself, you are showing;
"But mamma, it never can be!
"You would class me with things unknowing;
"I am not of those kingdoms three."
But dear mamma's eyes are smiling
With the "wisdom" of all the years,
As the mortal thought, beguiling,
Like unaltering Truth appears.
"Yes; your guessing brings my meaning,
"For you, darling, were in my thought:
"But why so puzzled seeming,—
"Have you all the kingdoms sought?
"There are but three for your seeking;
"In one, find your banner unfurled."
Blind mother! hear, Christ is speaking:—
"My kingdom is not of this world."
Think of the teacher-boy, standing
Unawed by the Rabbis of old;
As Truth, through this child commanding,
So clearly and bravely is told:
"Mamma, your pardon I'm craving,—
"To none of these three was I given;
"For I, the child of the Father,
"Belong to the kingdom of Heaven."
"And a little child shall lead them."
The mother bends humble and meek.
The love of the Father will feed them
Who early His kingdom will seek.