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Letters & Conversations


From the January 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal

ALL local history is interesting, mainly, to those who have helped to make that history, by contributing, each, his or her little share of work or experience, toward the accomplishment of some desirable end. The growth of the church thought among Christian' Scientists, has, as yet a brief history, so far as distinct organization is concerned; but each effort in this direction, honestly made, opens the way for larger growth, and clearer thought as to what the church really is, and what it is designed to accomplish. From this point of view, perhaps a few way-marks in connection with the first year's work of the Church of Christ Scientist in Quincy, Ill. may have an interest outside the little circle which comprises its membership.

Genuine Christian Science came to Quincy, as an active, permeating force in July 1888. It found a little band of Truth seekers. Under the guiding thought of a loyal student, who soon after became a student of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, they assembled week after week, to study the Book, and search the Scriptures, to find the way of eternal Life and Truth.

When the Bible Lessons became a feature in Science development, a Sunday service was inaugurated. This study continued with increasing interest and profit, until a year ago last September, when further word from the Teacher on church organization, and the movement of this thought in the general consciousness, brought us face to face with the question: Are we ready to go forward and establish the Cause of Christian Science on a firmer, broader basis, in our city, by organizing a branch of the Church of Christ Scientist.

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