Every latest interpretation of truth, if it is in the line of its natural evolution, must be a new point of view, or utter some new emphasis that has not had place before. Is it not possible that we see a ray of first truth emitted by what is called "Christian Science "that may break forth into a great light? The trouble is that the rising, advancing gleams, so surely needed by men, shine unrecognized and go unheeded, or, worse, are declared to be darkness." Is it not perhaps thus with this fresh-dawning beam of light? In or about the year 30 A.D,. the Liberal Hebrewist Weekly of Jerusalem had not beard of the new awakening life then abroad called "Christ-ianity" or did not deem it worthy of its notice; while the Jewish Conventionalist and the Missionary Zion of that city paid only the attention to it of scornful condemnation, called it Beelzebub's work, a device of the old Deceiver to mislead the elect. Meanwhile, however, the new faith was making its way, slowly, but surely and at length the religious "regulars" of that day began, some with good-natured indifference, others with sober reluctance, to admit that the "wide-spread delusion" might contain a "grain of truth," the "grain" being probably a very minute speck. Any attention given per force, or reluctantly, to so-called, perhaps unfortunately, "Christian Science," will see it, as a matter of course, only superficially. But those who sympathetically try to get at its heart will see its truly deep significance. One who supposes that the healing of disease in the usual sense is all there is to it labors under a great mistake. The mere physical healing, though not unimportant, is only the outside as it were, the least important side, of this old new gospel of cure. Any one can see upon slight reflection that, with Jesus, it was not the restoration to health or life of itself which was of great moment, but the deeper things thus bespoken and manifested.
Every latest interpretation of truth, if it is in the line of its natural evolution, must...
From the January 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal
Christian Register