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Letters & Conversations


From the September 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to acknowledge through the columns of the Journal what Christian Science has done for me. Seven years ago, after a long sickness, I was given up to die by three of our best physicians. There was nothing more that could be done for me. It was only a matter of time, and a very short time, as to how long I should live. My minister remained at home from his vacation for a few days longer with the expectation of attending my funeral.

My sister from an adjoining State came to see me, and told me of Christian Science. I had never heard of it, and knew nothing whatever about it. My doctor was very willing to have me try it, and wrote himself to a Scientist in Boston, stating my case, and asking him if he could do anything for me. The answer was, "All things are possible with God." It was my last resort and I concluded to try it.

I was treated absently. I commenced to gain immediately and to eat solid food, something I had not done for months. The gain was wonderful. I was about the house in a very short time. In a few months I resumed my business. I wish to say that my desire was to study Christian Science, and take up God's work; but mortal mind said I had better keep on with my business a while longer, then I would be better able to study, as my long sickness had been very expensive. So I continued in business for about three years and a half, when I was again stricken down very suddenly with my eyes. The experience was terrible, and not being near a Scientist, and feeling that I must have help at once, I called in a doctor.

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