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From the September 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The liquid notes of harmony
From Nature's feathered choir;
The softened hues of eve; the brilliant morn;
The sweet caressing winds, spiced with the breath of bloom;
The whispering leaves; the nodding pendant boughs;
The glowing sky; the snow white isles of feathery down;
The waving fields; the silvery, rippling lake;
The river winding to the sea; the hills,
Sun-kissed, rock-ribbed, majestic, grand;
The quiet sheltered vales with blossoms strewn;
All speak the gentle tenderness and peace
Of Nature's sweet unselfishness, and voice
The Love Divine.

And thus through Mother's Love—the Way, the Truth, the Life,
We mortals learn the sweet divinity of gratitude;
The lesson of unselfishness;
The sweetness of existence for the Good alone;
The consciousness of Christ's immortal bonds;
The Brotherhood of Man; the Motherhood of God;
The loyalty of Principle; the unity of Love,
And though on earth, we breath the atmosphere of Heaven,
And live and move in Love.

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