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From the October 1894 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Church of Christ, Scientist, Buffalo, N. Y.

"The wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid." Isa. 29-14.

Material views of man and the universe, like colored glass, stain the white radiance of Truth and so obscure the light of Mind,— the Intelligence of man. That which is not true, however pleasing to the ear, the eye, or the taste, deprives mortal man of Truth; men may believe, and touch, and taste, because they love the lie; but Truth is unsoiled by outward touch, as the sunbeam, by the cloud it pierces; she is simple and naked, needing only to be understood to be loved, and requiring not the investiture of a world's learning to clothe her comeliness.

The prophets, imbued with spiritual insight, discerned Truth, and were thus taught of God. In their lives as well as their metaphors, they teach us that Truth must become known in the world through self-purification, accompanied by the spirituality that reveals God's creation.

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