Tho' human love may fail
And friends deny,
How can I courage lose,
Since Thou art nigh?
Thy Love doth still supply me
In my need;
Thy hand as truly guide,—
A friend, indeed.
Then let me never grieve,
Nor yet repine,
For, though all else forsake me,
Thou art mine;
Thy tenderness and love
Beyond compare!
Thy Substance and thy Truth
Are still my share.
No longer woes like these
Should me appall;
My only care,—to prove that
Thou art all;
And that Thou hast in love
Predestined me,
In joyousness to move
Reflecting Thee.
So perish every lower thought,
Each base desire;
I live in Thee, I move in Thee,
To Thee aspire!
And still Thy Truth instructs me
Whene'er I stray;
Thy Wisdom ever leads me
In the Way.