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From the February 1894 issue of The Christian Science Journal

This article was later republished in Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896: Mis. 32:3-33:11

From letters received, I infer, that some of my students seem not to know in what manner they should demean themselves towards the students, of those teachers, who have turned away from us. This query is abnormal, after "line upon line and precept upon precept" in the Scriptures, and in my books, on this very subject.

In Mark 9th chapter, commencing at the 33d verse, you will find my views on this question. I have learned that nothing save love is admissible towards friend and foe. Besides, my own sympathies extend to the above named class of students more than to any other. If I had the time to talk with all the students of Christian Science, and correspond with them, I would gladly do it, and do my best towards helping them through the straight and narrow path. But I have not moments enough in which to give all the time needed by them, to those of my own flock, and charity must begin at home.

Distinct denominational, and social organizations and societies, are at present necessary. But all people can love one another, and should, and never envy, never elbow, never slander, never hate, never try to injure, but always to bless their fellow mortals.

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