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From the January 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

How many times since I have been a Christian Scientist, have I proven this Scripture to be true:—"We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren." 1st John 3:14.

As a Methodist I never made a practice when away from home of calling on members of the church to make a claim to their friendship just because I was a Methodist. I suppose the reason for not doing so was that the first time I tried it, it was such a dismal failure that I could see no satisfaction in repeating the experiment.

But I have had a different experience in calling on Christian Scientists. Since coming into Science, about seven years ago, I have spent much of my time as a commercial traveller, and when I am to visit a place for the first time, my first work is to look over the Journal and see if there are any Scientists advertised from there. If not, I manage in some way to find out if there is a Scientist in the place or if there is any one there who knows anything about Christian Science. The next thing to do if I find either is, to go and see them and make myself known as a Christian Scientist. Not only in new places have I done this but in every place where I go. And never yet in all the seven years have I called on a Scientist who did not give me a hearty welcome. I cannot recall a single one from whom I have not received encouragement, and some of them have said, You have helped me very much." And gave me a heartfelt invitation to call again."

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