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Shortly after the issuance of this number of the Journal...

From the January 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Shortly after the issuance of this number of the Journal another calendar year will have drawn to its close. The year of our Lord, 1894, will have passed into human history as a part of what men call time. In reality this year, like all other years, belongs not on the side of time, but of eternity. It has been a year of growth and great achievement in Christian Science. The more than a quarter-century of plowing and planting has brought forth an abundant harvest whose golden grain is waving in the sight of believer and unbeliever alike. The sickle is being thrust in and the pregnant sheaves gathered and garnered by the faithful husbandmen. God has manifested his glory in rich measure to the faithful, toiling ones, and they may well lift up their hearts in thankfulness for his abundant blessings.

Love has moved upon the turbulent waters of mortal belief and touched them to comparative quiet with its magic wand. Though at times the waves dashed high and rolled tumultuously, the tried mariner knew the while that they were raging and foaming only to the greater purification and clarification of the waters. He looked steadily and fearlessly through the stormcloud, and above the roar and din, discerned ever the serene sky and bright horizon whose sweet calm, cloud dimmed not and noise shut not out.

The earnest, trustful disciple knows that only Good is real and enduring, and that evil, however swaggering or assertive to its own sense, is after all, but foam and froth. It belongs not to Truth and cannot exist in Truth's presence. It is mist and fog before the light supernal of Truth's eternal Sun.

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