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Letters & Conversations


From the October 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In 1885 I lost, through piano paralysis, the use of my right hand and arm. Everything was done that could he by the medical profession, also by the kind and loving care of friends. The best surgeons said, Eat most nourishing food, keep well and be happy. How could I be happy? Being self-supporting there seemed a difficulty too great to overcome. I continued my teaching, but waited patiently for some hope of relief so that I might resume my own studies, the greatest pleasure of my life.

In the Spring of 1892, while teaching in Boston, I met a Christian Scientist who told me I could be healed. I doubted of course, and having heard much of so-called mind cure, somewhat feared I would get into that queer way of thinking.

When told what Christian Science was, at once the deep religion showed itself in glimpses; I clung to it, realizing if I ever understood it, I would have what I had striven to know, the Truth, the whole Truth; and also would come the proof wherewith I could truly discern the true from the false.

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