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From the October 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Dear Father-Mother, Love Divine
I thank Thee that Thy Truth doth shine
Into this darkened heart of mine,

Turning my darkness into day;
And pointing out the perfect way,
That I from Thee may never stray;

But sheltered by Thy loving care
May safely pass each seeming snare,
And boldly for the Truth declare.

I thank Thee for Thy Love so near;
Thy presence doth each moment cheer,
And scatter every doubt and fear.

I thank Thee for the wisdom true,
That guides each step my journey through,
That paths of peace I may pursue.

I thank Thee for the Life that knows
No sickness, sorrow, pain or woes,
But every heavenly gift bestows.

I thank Thee that I live in Thee,
Reflecting Truth and Purity,
And Life and Love eternally.

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