The rich man's wealth is his strong city: the destruction of the poor is their poverty.—Proverbs 10: 15.
The latter part of this passage of Scripture was often quoted by my grandmother during my early childhood. It had no more meaning to me than the rest of the Bible until after I understood a little of Christian Science; then I had one proof after another that it had a deep meaning for us all. We saw so many "destroyed" by their poverty or fear of it.
A call would come to us to go forward and receive some blessing, but the cry from some would be, "I cannot go, I haven't the money," and so they were left out. Many more would have had the benefit of our beloved Mother's instruction, if they had not let the fear of poverty come up and keep them out of this chief of blessings. It has been demonstrated by Scientists that the fear of poverty when overcome in themselves and for the patients has brought out physical healing. It is just as important for us to overcome this false claim of poverty, as any other phase of error.